Monday, December 10, 2007

It must be hard to be Tim Tebow...

Man, Tim Tebow is living the dream. Starting quarterback at the University of Florida, National Championship winner, Heisman trophy winner and connoisseur of large breasts. Man, it must be tough. On Saturday, Tebow took home the Heisman and in doing so became the first Sophomore to win the prestigious award. Where as Tebow is definitely deserving of the award this year, I can't help but feel bad for Darren McFadden. Twice now, has he lost out on college football's highest individual honor. Last year McFadden was passed over in favor of Ohio State QB Troy Smith. No offense to Troy Smith, but McFadden was the rightful recipient of the trophy, and what you ask was the reason for withholding the trophy from McFadden? Answer: He was a sophomore. Well, talk about ironic. This year McFadden plays second fiddle again, but this year it is to a sophomore, the one thing that kept McFadden from winning last year. But, all is not lost for RunDMC as he is damn near guaranteed to be the 1st overall draft pick this April (Please go to Atlanta Falcons.). As for Tebow, talk about high expectations. Now, that he has a national championship and a Heisman Trophy in the first two years of his career, how can he possibly top that? Honestly, you really can't top it but you can match it. He still has 2 years of eligibility left and barring injury should be able to continue to put up gaudy numbers. Although, with the introduction of Emmanuel Moody, Tebow's numbers should drop a little. However, he will still be the clear Heisman favorite heading into next year. Will he be able to do something that only one other player in college football has ever done, win the Heisman twice? Only time will tell. Speaking for everybody in the SEC, other than Gator fans, I hope that he doesn't.


O'Brien Pundit said...

It's great that Tebow won the Heisman, but I think that it's even greater that he won the Davey O'Brien Award. The Heisman represents only on the field accomplishments, while the O'Brien takes into account how a player performs on AND OFF the field. Now, THAT'S something I can respect.

Thor's Hammer said...

He does seem like a stand up guy. As a UGA fan it is always hard to pull for any Gator but he certainly bucks that trend.

GreatOdin'sRaven said...

I would have to agree. He seems like he is a complete class act. That is definitely a rarity these days. It's good to see that there are some still out there.