Another article from Yahoo! Sports who are apparantly the only media outlet treating this as a big story. Considering that this could possibly lead to USC being stripped of their National Title in 2004, and very serious sanctions against the Trojans from the NCAA, I thought that this merited a quick mention.
Those dirty cheating bastards. If Bush does issue a check, I wonder how much of it will actually come from boosters. Why would Reggie not try to shut him up though? Or, at least, why is he waiting so long to do it?
I don't understand why Bush wouldn't just pay him off. It would look bad for a while but it is ten times better than letting this play out in court. Look at what happened to the Knicks and their sexual harassment suit. If they had paid the woman off all of the secrets would have stayed hidden.
This story is a lot more relevent than Tony Homo and his contract extension.
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