Monday, October 15, 2007

Certified Bad-Ass...Offensive line, please get better.

As I was rotating sips of beer with sips of pepto, in order to control the ulcer that has developed from watching UGA football, I couldn't help but notice that Knowshon Moreno was running up and down the field. Does anybody else think this guy resembles a healthy, and I stress healthy, Cadillac Williams? Man, I can't tell you how amazing that sight was. It hearkens one back to 2003, when Musa Smith was rushing for 100 yards a game and UGA was a top 10 team. As a realistic Georgia fan, I had this season pegged at 9-3, I know that we have some tough games ahead but whether win or lose, it is comforting to know that this guy will be lined up in the back-field. It remains to be seen if Moreno can carry the burden of the running game for an entire season and even if he could, I am not sure the Richt would allow it. But damn!!! Just think of next year. An o-line with a full year under their belt blocking for Knowshon and red-shirt phenom Caleb King. Tack on Matthew Stafford, as a junior, chucking the rock to Massaquoi and stud freshy A.J. Green (assuming he stays with UGA) and in the words of Timbuk 3: "The future's so bright, I've gotta wear shades."

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