So, I was laying on the couch, recovering from the incredible hangover that I had, while watching The Sugar Bowl. I looked down at my clock and seeing that the fourth quarter was about to start I figured it was 10:30...11 at the latest. But what time stares back at me...? 12:08. Needless to say, I was a little irritated. I wanted to watch the entire game to see the trophy presentation and to watch Georgia completely dismantle a team that truly shouldn't have been playing in a BCS game. Instead, since the alarm would be going off in a little over 7 hours, I headed for the bed. Why does Fox find it necessary to start the games at 8:30 east coast time? In the case of The Sugar Bowl, kickoff wasn't until around 8:52. Add to it that Fox went to commercial every time somebody took a deep breath and that Colt Brennan and Hawaii throw the ball about 80 times a game and you have over 5 hours of actual game play. The game finally wrapped up, or so I was told, around 2 a.m. Look I understand that these games are big money games for the networks but when a game starts, on the east coast, at 8:30 and doesn't end until 2 a.m., then you need to fix some problems. Needless to say, the BCS Championship Game on Monday will probably be a barn burner ala the Texas vs. USC game of 2005 and I will have to stay up until 2 a.m. to see the culmination of this years BCS screw up. Oh well, I might as well get used to it since the system isn't changing anytime soon.
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