As many of you have probably heard, the senior players have called for the fans filling Sanford Stadium, on Saturday, to wear black shirts. I would like to think that this would be something that all UGA fans in attendance, that know about the black out, would participate in...but for anybody that has been around football in the south you know one thing: The south is all about tradition. Fans wear the same thing every Saturday and if you change any part of your usual Saturday attire/routine it is considered sacrilege. Look, I am all for tradition but if the players ask you, as a fan, to wear black shirts because they think it will show a sign of unity, then wear a black shirt. Last time I checked the players don't ever come out and ask the fan base to do anything. The least you can do is honor the players that give you that tradition you hold so dear. I guess I just don't see what the problem with this is? I know...Georgia is copying Penn State's "White Out." I have news for you people: Penn State isn't the first to think about the fans wearing a shirt of the same color and they will not be the last. They might have been the first to get an entire stadium to do it but they aren't revolutionaries in the field of fan attire. Look, the bottom line is get to Sanford Stadium, wear a damn black shirt and cheer on the Dawgs.
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